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Sentences for Grade 8

Definition of a sentence. A collection of words, aligned in a specific order, such that they now convey a clear idea is called a sentence. A sentence begins with a capital letter and ends with a full stop, question mark or exclamation mark at the end, depending on what the sentence is conveying. While communicating, …

Sentences for Grade 7

What is a sentence? A set of words, arranged in a pre-determined order, so that they express a clear thought, is called a sentence. We make use of sentences when we are speaking, reading or writing. All sentences begin with a capital letter. We punctuate the sentences by a full stop, question mark or exclamation …

Merchant Of Venice

Characters in the play Antonio – a prominent merchant of Venice. Bassanio – Antonio’s close friend; suitor to Portia; later the husband of Portia Gratiano – friend of Antonio and Bassanio; in love with Nerissa; later the husband of Nerissa Lorenzo – friend of Antonio and Bassanio; in love with Jessica; later the husband of Jessica …

Sentences for Grade 6

What is a sentence? A collection of words that are arranged to put forward a sensible thought is called a sentence. To speak, read and write we make use of sentences. All sentences begin with a capital letter and end with a full stop, question mark or exclamation mark. Sentences are of the following types:1. …

Sentences for Grade 5

What is a sentence? A set of words that make sense and puts forward a thought is called a sentence. We use sentences when we speak, read or write. Kindly note that, sentences begin with a capital letter and end with a full stop, question mark or exclamation mark. Different types of sentences are: 1. …

Sentences for Grade 4

what is a Sentence? A group of words that make complete sense and expresses a thought is called a sentence. When we speak, read or write we make use of sentences. All sentences begin with a capital letter and end with a full stop, question mark or exclamation mark. We use different types of sentences, …