Julius Caesar Act 2 Scene 1 Workbook Answers

Julius Caesar Workbook Answers for ICSE by Evergreen


Select the correct option for each of the following questions:

1. Brutus asks Lucius to place a candle in his

Answer: b) study

2. Brutus thinks of Caesar as a

Answer: a) serpent’s egg

3. Conspiracy is so evil that it chooses to roam freely

Answer: c) during the night

4. According to Brutus, an oath is not necessary as

Answer: b) it is not required

5. Brutus considers Antony to be a

Answer: c) a limb of Caesar

Julius Caesar Act 2 Scene 1 Workbook Answers

Context questions (Answers)

Question 1

BRUTUS- it must be by his death, and, for my part,
I know no personal cause to spur at him, but for the general.
He would be crowned how that might change his nature ”

1. Brutus is awake at night in his garden, unable to sleep. He is worried and restless, and his inability to sleep stems from his inner conflict and the weight of the choice he is going to make about Julius Caesar.

2. Brutus is speaking about Julius Caesar’s death. He is afraid that if Caesar is made king, would change and become a tyrant. Caesar’s quest for power, according to Brutus, is a danger to the Roman Republic and its democratic principles. He fears that Caesar’s ascension to power would result in the loss of liberty and the formation of a monarchy.

3. Brutus forsees that Caesar will become a tyrant. He feels that granting Caesar total authority will destroy the Roman Republic’s system of governance, which is built on the ideas of checks and balances, and will result in citizens losing their freedom. This demonstrates that Brutus is a fervent believer of republican ideas and is prepared to take extraordinary measures to safeguard the Roman Republic from a potential threat.

4. Brutus uses two instances to explain his anxieties. First, he compares Caesar to a serpent’s egg to illustrate how individuals typically transform when they get power. He claims that, while the egg looks to be innocuous, it might hatch into a lethal snake. Second, he emphasises how the Roman population who formerly supported Caesar would come to regret their support when they see the results of his unbridled ambition.

5. After the extract, Lucius, one of Brutus’ attendants enters. He has brought a letter for Brutus which he found in Brutus’ room while he was searching for a flint to light the candle. An unknown individual threw this letter through the window into Brutus’ room. This letter was actually written by Cassius disguised as a citizen. The letter offers details regarding the plan against Caesar, pushing Brutus to join the cause. The letter was discovered by Lucius and plays an important part in the plot’s progression.

Julius Caesar Act 2 Scene 1 Workbook Answers

Question 2

BRUTUS- this is good. Go to the gate, somebody knocks.
(Exit Lucius)
Since Cassius first did whet me against Caesar,
I have not slept
between the acting of a dreadful thing
…… or a hideous dream

1. Brutus: ‘Tis good. Go to the gate, somebody knocks.— [Exit Lucius.] Since Cassius first did whet me against Caesar, I have not slept. Between the acting of a dreadful thing And the first motion, all the interim is, Like a phantasma or a hideous dream:


In these lines, Brutus acknowledges that he has not slept since Cassius first persuaded him to join the conspiracy against Caesar. He explains that the time between making the decision to carry out a dreadful act (assassinating Caesar) and actually taking action feels like an interval filled with strange and nightmarish thoughts. Brutus is troubled by the weight of his decision and the impending assassination.

2. Cassius, Casca, Decius, Cinna, Metellus Cimber, and Trebonius have come to meet Brutus. They have disguised themselves by lowering their hats over their ears and hiding their lower faces with cloaks.

3. Brutus explains his discomfort with the conspiracy  and how it has interfered with his ability to sleep and think well. He is concerned about the effects of their decision to kill Caesar. He counsels them to act forcefully and speedily, meaning that the conspiracy should proceed immediately in order to prevent Caesar from acquiring undue authority.

4. When describing the conspiracy, Caesar utilises a figure of speech called a “simile.” He says that the interval between planning a terrible deed and carrying it out is “Like a phantasma or a hideous dream.” This simile emphasises the psychological and emotional pain Brutus is going through as he thinks about the conspiracy and its ramifications by implying that the period in between feels surreal, nightmare-like, and ghostly. The analogy aids in expressing Brutus’s feelings of discomfort and dread.

Julius Caesar Act 2 Scene 1 Workbook Answers

Question 3

BRUTUS- no, not an oath; if not the face of men
The sufferance of our souls, the times abuse
If there be motives weak, break off be times
And every man hence to his idle bed.

1. Cassius suggests that the conspirators should take an oath of secrecy to solidify their commitment to the plot to assassinate Caesar. This demonstrates Cassius’s insight as he recognises the seriousness of their activities and the possible repercussions if their plot is found.

2. According to Brutus, the conspirators, including himself and Cassius, swear an oath to follow through with their plan to assassinate Caesar.

3. According to Brutus, the conspirators’ nobility and loyalty ought to be sufficient to bind them to their purpose. He contends that their own honour and passion for Rome ought to be enough to ensure their dedication. In Brutus’ opinion, adding an oath, may detract from their good deeds and credibility.

4. The next instance of contradiction between Brutus and Cassius occurs when Cassius suggests that they should also kill Mark Antony to prevent him from seeking revenge. This concept is rejected by Brutus because he believes it will alienate the Roman people and be too brutal. In the play’s later acts, when Mark Antony utilises his oratory abilities to turn the populace against the conspirators, ultimately contributing to their collapse, Brutus’ error in sparing Antony is made clear.

5. Cassius is foresighted in urging Mark Antony be killed because he is aware of the possible danger Antony may present. He is aware that following Caesar’s killing, Antony may mobilise the Roman populace against the assassins. Cassius was accurate in his appraisal of Mark Antony’s oratory prowess and popularity with the populace. The downfall of the conspirators is greatly aided by Antony’s manipulation of the Roman populace.

Julius Caesar Act 2 Scene 1 Workbook Answers

Question 4

DECIUS- shall no man else be touched but only Caesar?’
CASSIUS Decius, well urged – I think it is not meet
Mark Antony, so well be loved of Caesar should outlive Caesar.
We shall find of him a shrewd contriver.

1. Cassius advises that in order to eliminate any possible obstacles to their plot, they should also assassinate Mark Antony along with Caesar. He contends that Antony, as a devoted supporter of Caesar, may rouse the public against them. Brutus rejects this assertion for a number of reasons:

a. According to Brutus, murdering Antony would make their plot seem more like a bloody slaughter than a selfless sacrifice for the sake of Rome.

b. According to Brutus, their main objective is to remove Caesar as the oppressive ruler of Rome, and including Antony on the list of victims might alienate people.

c. He believes that by saving Antony, they would show their good intentions and distinguish themselves from murderers.

2. Brutus justifies their act of not killing Mark Antony by expressing worries that their plot would appear overly harsh and bloodthirsty. He prefers that people view their acts as a valiant attempt to save the Roman Republic rather than a brutal massacre of Caesar’s allies.

3. According to Brutus, Mark Antony is not as deadly as Cassius thinks. Although Brutus views Antony as a devoted friend of Caesar, he misjudges Antony’s power to persuade the Roman people and his oratory skills. Because he undervalues Antony’s political savvy and power, his judgement is flawed. In the play’s latter acts, Antony emerges as a strong foe who, through his persuasive speeches, turns the people of Rome against the conspirators and finally brings about their destruction. The unfolding tragedy is significantly influenced by Brutus’ incorrect assessment of Antony’s ability.

Julius Caesar Act 2 Scene 1 Workbook Answers

Question 5

TREBONIUS-This time to part.
CASSIUS – but it is doubtful yet.
Whether Caesar will come forth today or no
for he is superstitious grown off late;
Quite from the main opinion he held once.

1. Cassius fears that Caesar may change his mind and decide not to come to the Capitol on the Ides of March. On the Ides of March, Cassius worries that Caesar could alter his mind and decide not to visit the Capitol. He worries because he sees weird omens as warnings that may stop Caesar, such as strong storms and strange occurrences. Decius promises to “o’ersway” Caesar into attending by being flattering to him and seeing the omens favourably. Additionally, Decius offers to interpret Calpurnia’s dream, which foretold peril for Caesar’s life, in a way that is favourable to him. He implies that the Senate need Caesar’s insight and leadership.

2. After this extract, the conspirators debate whether to include Cicero in their scheme. Because he wasn’t engaged from the start and wouldn’t completely comprehend their motives, they ultimately decide against incorporating the renowned orator and philosopher. Brutus rejects the idea of including Cicero being included at the last stage of their conspiracy.

3. Brutus advises the conspirators to maintain an appearance of normalcy and to act natural when they approach Caesar. He warns them about appearing to be a part of a plot since it would raise questions. He asks Lucius, his servant, to assist him get dressed and get ready for Caesar’s arrival as a sign of his love for him. This reveals his concern for individuals who are close to him.

4. A bit later, Brutus’ wife Portia comes in. She worries about Brutus’s troubled behaviour and the things he is hiding. She emphasises how much she cares for him and implores him to talk to her about his troubles. Portia is concerned for his wellbeing and wants to know what’s worrying him.

Julius Caesar Act 2 Scene 1 Workbook Answers

Question 6

PORTIA dwell I but in the suburbs
of you good pleasure? If it be no more,
Portia is Brutus’ harlot, not his wife.

1. By seeing that Brutus seems uneasy, disoriented, and out of sorts, Portia determines that he is unwell. She has a good feeling that he is genuinely troubled by something. She made the right judgement, as Brutus is genuinely plagued by the plot against Caesar and the gravity of the choice he must make.

2. Portia shows her love and submission to Brutus by expressing her care for Brutus’s welfare and desire to partake in his problems, She bows before him, emphasising her dedication and commitment as she begs him to confide in her. She expresses her concern that Brutus may be in danger and that he may be hiding something from her.

3. Portia proves to Brutus her strength by telling him about her amazing courage and will,. She shares with Brutus the story of how she injured herself to demonstrate her strength and devotion to him. By telling this story, she demonstrates her undying dedication and readiness to put up with bodily discomfort for their relationship.

4. Lucius, a servant, intrudes into the conversation between Portia and Brutus. A servant named Lucius interrupts Portia and Brutus’ talk. As a sign that he appreciates Portia and their relationship, Brutus assures her that he would let her know about his worries later. He promises to tell her the secrets that are bothering him.

5. Perhaps the most appealing aspect of Portia’s argument is her demonstration of love, devotion, and her readiness to bear Brutus’s load. She expresses her love and care for Brutus, highlighting the need of trust and an open exchange of worries in their marriage. This emotional appeal highlights how deeply devoted she is to him and how solid their bond is.

Julius Caesar Act 2 Scene 1 Workbook Answers

Extra MCQ

1. Why is Brutus having sleepless nights?

(a) Because of the stormy weather outside.

(b) Because of his inner turmoil.

(c) He is suffering from insomnia.

(d) Because of his fear of being a co-conspirator against Caesar.

2. Which of the following is NOT true about Brutus, feelings for Caesar?

(a) He loves Caesar.

(b) Caesar’s death will be for the good of Rome.

(c) He has a personal grudge against Caesar.

(d) None of the above.

3. Brutus does not agree with Cassius on the issue of taking mutual oath because he considers

(a) they are true Romans fighting for a just cause.

(b) they are true Romans fighting for are unjust cause

(c) it is below their dignity to take an oath

(d) it is an attempt to take their test.

4. Why does Brutus not want Cicero to join the group of conspirators?

(a) Cicero is Caesar’s trustworthy

(b) Cicero is known for shifting loyalties

(c) Cicero is indecisive

(d) Cicero is irresolute

5. Why is Brutus against killing Antony after the murder of Caesar?

(a) Antony will be powerless after Caesar’s death

(b) Antony devoted his life to sports and wildness

(c) They must not appear as butchers to the people.

(d) AII of the above.

6. How does Decius Brutus say he would persuade Caesar to come to the Senate?

(a) By flattery

(b) By deceit

(c) By persuasion

(d) By showing fear

7. According to Cassius, what could prevent Caesar from coming to the Senate?

(a) The signs and portents given by the storm

(b) The warning given by the Soothsayer

(c) The report given by his loyal friends

(d) All of the above

8. What is Portia’s complaint against Brutus? ,

(a) He has been ignoring her

(b) He has been talking to strangers

(c) He has been behaving unnaturally

(d) He has been sleepwalking

9. With whom does Portia compare herself?

(a) Her uncle, Brutus

(b) Her legendary mother

(c) Her father, Cato

(d) None of the above

10. Portia pleads with Brutus to share his secret with her claiming which of the following?

 (a) Equal rights of wifehood

(b) Being his childhood friend

(c) Being his well-wisher

(d) Being his close confidant

11. What does ‘darkness, signify in this scene?

(a) Fear in Brutus’ mind

(b) Suspicion in Brutus’ mind

(c) Confusion in Brutus’ mind

(d) Calmness in Brutus’ mind

12. Which literary device is used in this scene to reveal Brutus’ confused state of mind?

(a) Anaphora

(b) Soliloquy

(c) Personification

(d) Irony

13. Which argument does Brutus give to convince himself to join the conspiracy against Caesar?

(a) Once crowned, Caesar would get them killed

(b) Once crowned, Caesar would cause end of Rome

(c) Once crowned, Caesar would become uncontrollable

(d) None of the above.

14. Brutus uses which of the following phrases for Caesar?

(a) Butcher of butchers

(b) Slayer of Rome

(c) Devil’s soul

(d) Serpent’s egg

15. Brutus justifies his act of joining the conspirators to assassinate by defining it as

(a) moral and necessary

(b) spiritual and purifying

(c) cleansing and moralising

(d) worldly-wise and needful

16. Which of the following acts of Brutus, after joining the conspirators, does not indicate his dictatorial behaviour?

(a) Vetoes the inclusion of Cicero

(b) Objects to the killing of Antony

(c) Accedes to the plan of brutally murdering Caesar

(d) None of the above

17. While pleading with Brutus, Portia appeals to which of his traits?

(a) His sense of honour

(b) His sense of pride

(c) His sense of friendship

(d) His sense of loyalty

18. Why do the conspirators want to win over Brutus to their side?

(a) His integrity and personal reputation in Rome

(b) His method of planning and executing.

(c) His sharp knowledge of Republicanism

(d) His love for Caesar

19. Which characteristic trait of Caesar does Decius Brutus’ character reveal in this scene?

(a) Patriotism

(b) Loyal friend

(c) Betrayal of friendship

(d) Irritable vanity

20. In his mind how does Brutus justify killing Caesar?

(a) Spiritual and Pursing

(b) A necessary evil

(c) Vanquishing Rome’s foe

(d) Both (a) and (b)

Julius Caesar Workbook Answers By Morning Star

Act 1 Scene 1

Act 1 Scene 2

Act 1 Scene 3

Act 2 Scene 1

Act 2 Scene 2

Act 2 Scene 3

Act 2 Scene 4

Act 3 Scene 1

Act 3 Scene 2

Act 3 Scene 3

Act 4 Scene 1

Act 4 Scene 2

Act 4 Scene 3

Act 5 Scene 1

Act 5 Scene 2

Act 5 Scene 3

Act 5 Scene 4

Act 5 Scene 5

Julius Caesar Workbook Answers by Evergreen Publishing

Act 1 Scene 1

Act 1 Scene 2

Act 1 Scene 3

Act 2 Scene 1

Act 2 Scene 2

Act 2 Scene 3

Act 2 Scene 4

Act 3 Scene 1

Act 3 Scene 2

Act 3 Scene 3

Act 4 Scene 1

Act 4 Scene 2

Act 4 Scene 3

Act 5 Scene 1

Act 5 Scene 2

Act 5 Scene 3

Act 5 Scene 4

Act 5 Scene 5

Julius Caesar Play


Translation along side original text

Act 1 Scene 1

Act 1 Scene 2

Act 1 Scene 3

Act 2 Scene 1

Act 2 Scene 2

Act 2 Scene 3

Act 2 Scene 4

Act 3 Scene 1

Act 3 Scene 2

Act 3 Scene 3

Act 3 Scene 1

Act 3 Scene 2

Act 3 Scene 3

Act 4 Scene 1

Act 4 Scene 2

Act 4 Scene 3

Act 5 Scene 1

Act 5 Scene 2

Act 5 Scene 3

Act 5 Scene 4

Act 5 Scene 5

Treasure Chest Workbook Solution: Beta Publication

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PROSE (Short Stories):

Std IX

1. Bonku Babu’s Friend – Satyajit Ray

2. Oliver Asks for More – Charles Dickens

3. The Model Millionaire – Oscar Wilde

4. Home-coming – Rabindranath Tagore

5. The Boy who Broke the Bank – Ruskin Bond

Std X

1. With the Photographer – Stephen Leacock

2. The Elevator – William Sleator

3. The Girl Who Can – Ama Ata Aidoo

4. The Pedestrian – Ray Bradbury

5. The Last Lesson – Alphonse Daudet


Std IX

1. The Night Mail – W.H. Auden

2. Skimbleshanks: The Railway Cat – T.S. Eliot

3. I Remember, I Remember – Thomas Hood

4. A Doctor’s Journal Entry for August 6, 1945 – Vikram Seth

5. A Work of Artifice – Marge Piercy

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1. Haunted Houses – H.W. Longfellow

2. The Glove and the Lions – Leigh Hunt

3. When Great Trees fall – Maya Angelou

4. A Considerable Speck – Robert Frost

5. The Power of Music – Sukumar Ray

Treasure Chest Workbook Solution: Evergreen Publication

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Std 9 Vol – I : Poems

1. A Work of Artifice – Marge Piercy

2. Skimbleshanks: The Railway Cat – T S Eliot

3. I Remember, I Remember – Thomas Hood

4. A Doctor’s Joumal Entry for August 6, 1945 – Vikram Seth

5. The Night Mail – W H Auden

6. Haunted Houses – H W Longfellow

7. The Glove and the Lions – James Leigh Hunt

8. When Great Trees Fall – Maya Angelou

9. A Considerable Speck – Robert Frost

10. The Power of Music – Sukumar Roy

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Std 9 Vol – II: Short Stories

l. Bonku Babu’s Friend – Satyaji Ray

2. Oliver Asks for More – Charles Dickens

3. The Model Millionaire – Oscar Wilde

4. The Homecoming – Rabindranath Tagore

5. The Boy Who Broke the Bank – Ruskin Bond

6. With the Photographer – Stephen Leacock

7. The Elevator – William Sleator

8. The Girl Who Can – Ama Ata Aidoo

9. The Pedestrian – Ray Bradbury

10. The Last Lesson – Alphonse Daudet