Category «Worksheets»

Std 7 Science Chapter 12 The Muscular & Digestive System in Human Beings – questions and answers

Exercise 1. Fill in the blanks with the right word from the brackets. (a) The process of digestion starts from the mouth. (b) Eyelids have voluntary muscles. (c) Production of blood cells is not a function of the muscular system.  (d) Muscles of the heart are cardiac muscles. (e) Pushing forward the food that has been chewed is the function of …

Std 6 Science Lesson 10 Force and Types of Force – questions and answers.

Exercise 1. Choose the term to fill in the blanks. (a) Force has to be applied to change the direction of a moving object.  (moving, direction, force) (b) When an elephant drags a wooden log over the land, the forces that are applied on the log are muscular force , gravitational force and frictional force. (muscular force, mechanical force, gravitational force, frictional force) (c) A ball …

Std 7 English Lesson 3.2 Compere a Programme -questions and answers

Meanings of difficult words from the lesson: compere: a person who introduces the people and programmes during a function; a presenter preoccupation: to be engrossed in some activity or thought dignitaries: important persons escort: to accompany someone dais: a platform or stage hearty: cheerful inauguration: the beginning or introduction of an event or place auspicious: …