The Donkey
I saw a donkey one day old.
His head was too big
for his neck to hold;
His legs were shaky
and long and loose,
They rocketed and staggered
and weren’t much use.
He tried to gambol
and frisk a bit,
but he wasn’t quite sure
of the trick of it. His queer little coat
was soft and grey
and curled at his neck
in a lovely way.
His face was wistful
and left no doubt
that he felt life needed
some thinking about.
So he blundered round
in venturesome quest,
and then lay flat on the ground
To rest.
He looked so little
and weak and slim,
I prayed the world
might be good to him.
– Anonymous
rocketed : moved suddenly
staggered : tottered, moved unsteadily
gambol : leap, move playfully
frisk: skip or leap playfully
queer: strange
wistful : full of hope, longing for something
blundered: move clumsily or as if unable to see.
venturesome : daring, adventerous
quest : search, the act of looking for something
Central Idea of the poem: To practice empathy towards our fellow creatures.
1st Stanza:
The poet saw a day old donkey whose head was so big that its neck could not hold it properly. And it had long, loose and shaky legs that rocketed and staggered. They were of not much use to it as the donkey could not walk properly with them.
2nd Stanza:
So the donkey tries new ways of moving by leaping and jumping playfully. But it was not sure how to do it. The poet then describes its coat. The poet says that it had a strange coat that was soft and grey and it curled at the neck which actually looked lovely to him.
3rd Stanza:
The donkey had a wistful expression on its face and realized that in life we have to do a lot of retrospection of things. With this adventurous thought the donkey started off on his quest. But it moved unsteadily and then fell flat on the ground.
4th Stanza:
The donkey looked so little, weak and slim that the poet felt very pitiful and prayed the world might be good to him.
1. Rewrite the poem in the form of a prose passage.
The Donkey
I saw a donkey one day old. His head was too big for his neck to hold; his legs were shaky and long and loose. They rocketed and staggered and weren’t much use. He tried to gambol and frisk a bit, but he wasn’t quite sure of the trick of it. His queer little coat was soft and grey and curled at his neck in a lovely way. His face was wistful and left no doubt that he felt life needed some thinking about. So he blundered round in venturesome quest, and then lay flat on the ground to rest. He looked so little and weak and slim. I prayed the world might be good to him. – Anonymous
2. List the pairs of rhyming words from the poem.
Ans. (i) old – hold (ii) loose – use (iii) bit – it (iv) grey – way
(v) doubt – about (vi) round – ground (vii) quest – rest (viii) slim – him
3. What does the poet pray for? Why?
Ans. The poet prayed for the donkey that the people of the world were good to the donkey. Because the poet saw that the donkey was just one day old and was little, weak and slim.
4. Have you seen a newborn young one of an animal?
Ans. Yes, I have seen a new born puppy and kitten.
5. Talk to your parents and family members and write what you could do when
– you were a day old
Ans. When I was one day old, I wanted to be cuddled and fed.
– you were one month old
When I was one month old, I looked all around me and sometimes smiled at people who came to see me.
– you were six months old
Ans. When I was six months old, I could crawl around the house.
– you were one year old.
Ans. When I was one year old, I was trying to walk and talk.
6. Form groups and hold debates on the following topics. Make bulleted lists of points in favour (pros) and those against (cons) the given statement. Let the whole class vote on who won the debate.
(a) Man should use animals for his own needs.
(1) Pro (favour):
Man has domesticated animals since the Neolithic period and hence has been able to protect these animals from other wild animals.
(1) Con (against):
Animals were never meant to be domesticated. They should be left in their natural habitat and let nature protect them.
(2) Pro (favour):
Man has been able to progress because some animals were initially used in farms and as a means of transport. And it is because of this progress that man is able to take care of the environment and all the animals.
(2) Con (against):
In the name of progress, man has exploited animals without thinking about their feelings and what exactly these animals want.
(b) Contact with man has helped animals to survive.
(1) Pro (favour):
Man has domesticated animals since the Neolithic period and hence has been able to protect these animals from other wild animals.
(1) Con (against):
Animals were never meant to be domesticated. They should be left in their natural habitat and let nature protect them.
(2) Pro (favour):
We have great veterinarians and researchers who after a long and tedious study of animals have been able cure animals attacked by diseases. Man is also able to take care of wounded and hurt animals.
(2) Con (against):
By interfering with nature man has only destroyed it. Look at the pollution and destruction man has created in the name of science and technology. It is high time man leaves all animals and nature to take care of itself.
7. Find what the young ones of the following animals are called:
donkey – foal
sheep – lamb
owl – owlet
horse – colt, foal
swan – cygnet
lion – cub
cow – calf
eagle – eaglet
tiger – cub
pig – piglet
duck – duckling
elephant – calf
whale – calf
peacock – chick
8. Complete the following using your own ideas :
(a) His head was too big to hold his neck.
(b) He was too shy to dance.
(c) She was too proud to talk to anyone.
(d) They were too tired to play another game.
(e) We are too busy to watch a movie now.
(f) He was too lazy to complete his project.
9. Write a conversation between:
(a) A donkey and a dog
Dog: Why are you crying my friend?
Donkey: Today my master kicked me out of his house.
Dog: Why did he do that? You have been working so hard for him.
Donkey: Because now I have become very old and can’t work as hard as before.
Dog: Don’t worry, I know of a place that takes care of old animals. It is called PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals)
Donkey: That is so kind of you to help me. Thank you.
(b) A donkey and a horse
Horse: I’m so tires today.
Donkey: But not as tired as I am. You only have to carry the master from one place to another. And I have to carry these heavy loads. That’s not fair.
Horse: My job isn’t as easy as it seems. I have to travel far and take care of the master sitting on my back. I also have to ensure that he is comfortable.
Donkey: That’s easy. Let’s exchange places for a day, you carry the load and I’ll carry the master.
Horse: Alright, but be careful. Later don’t tell me I didn’t warn you.
(they exchange places)
Donkey: Master please sit, on my back today and I will take you for a jolly good ride!
(the master sits on the donkey’s back, the donkey can hardly move and falls flat on the ground. The master then sits on the horse’s back and rides away.)
Donkey: I have learnt my lesson today, ‘To mind my own business.’
(c) A donkey and a school boy.
Donkey: You are so lucky, you have nice home, a good family and nothing to worry.
School boy: Let me clear your misunderstanding, I too have to work hard. I have to go to school, tuitions, complete my homework, projects and assignments.
Donkey: But look at me I have to carry this heavy load and work hard for the master.
School boy: Can you see this school bag? It is as heavy as yours. And to add to the stress I have to study for my tests and exams and score good marks.
Donkey: So we both are sailing in the same boat.
School boy: It’s a hard life after all!
10. If you saw someone abusing an animal, what would you do? Write about it in 5 lines.
Ans. I will politely ask him to stop the abuse and explain to him that everyone has the right to live peacefully on this planet. Just because these animals cannot speak, we shouldn’t assume that they do not have feelings. They too get hurt and should be treated with empathy.
11. Visit a library : Find poems about animals. Copy them and recite them to your friends.
My Pony
I had a little pony,
His name was Dapple-Gray,
I lent him to a lady,
To ride a mile away.
She whipped him, she lashed him,
She rode him through the mire;
I would not lend my pony now
For all the lady’s hire.
The Fly
How large unto the tiny fly
Must little things appear!-
A rosebud like a feather bed,
Its prickle like a spear;
A dewdrop like a looking-glass,
A hair like golden wire;
The smallest grain of mustard-see
As fierce as coals of fire;
A loaf of bread, a lofty hill;
A wasp, a cruel leopard;
And specks of sale as bright to see
As lambkins to a shepherd.
—–Walter De La Mare