Std 5 EVS1 chapter 4 Environmental Balance – Q – bank

Std 5 Science Ch 4: Environmental Balance

For the Answers of Chapter 4 Environmental Balance

Textual Exercises

Can you tell?

(1) Who eats birds?

 (2) What is the food of plants?

 (3) Find the different food chains of which the worm and the mouse form a link.

(4) What is the deer’s food?

(5) What is food for the tiger?

(6) If one of the links in a chain is lost from the chain, can the food chain last?


1. What’s the solution?

2. Use your brain power!

Make up a food chain:

Frog, kite, worm, snake, grass.

3. Answer the following questions.

(a) What is a food chain? Give an example of it.

 (b) How is the balance in the environment maintained?

4. What substances in the soil are useful for the growth of plants?

5. True or false?

(a) Micro – organisms form a part of the environment.  

(b) It is necessary to maintain biodiversity.

(c) A grasshopper eats birds.


1. Find out more about the birds you see in your surroundings.

2. Make up your own slogans about maintaining environmental balance.

Extra Questions

Fill in the blanks.

1. The variety we see in all the living things that belong to a particular area is called the __________ of that place.

2. The surroundings and the conditions in those surroundings which affect the life of the organisms are together known as the __________ .

3. The __________  includes many components such as sunlight, air, water, soil, plants and animals, etc.

4. __________  science studies the interaction between living and non-living things.

5. __________  living in the soil help the process of decomposition.

6. Living things get a continuous supply of water because of the __________

7. When the various cycles in the environment go on uninterrupted, __________  balance gets maintained.

8. The water cycle, various other cycles and food chains in nature help to maintain the __________  in the environment.

Answer the following questions:

1. What is biodiversity?

2. What efforts do scientists put to study the biodiversity of a place?

3. What do you mean by environment? What does it include?

4. What does Environment science study?

5. What is a food chain? Give an example of it.

6. Explain food web.

7. Describe the oxygen-carbon dioxide cycle.

8. What helps to maintain the food chains in the environment?

9. Why is it important to maintain environmental balance?

For the Answers of Chapter 4 Environmental Balance

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