Std 5 English Lesson 30 Be a Netizen Answers

Std 5 English Lesson 30 Be a Netizen – questions and answers

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 30 Be a Netizen

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 30 Be a Netizen Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 30 Be a Netizen

English Balbharati Std 5 Digest Chapter 30 Be a Netizen Textbook Questions and Answers


netizen – a person who uses the internet often.

brought about – caused something to happen.

amazing – extremely surprising.

link – to make a connection between things.

log on – to connect a computer to a computer system

log off – to stop a computer being connected to a computer system,

systematic – using a fixed and organized plan.

website – a set of pages of information on the Internet about a particular subject,

search engine – a computer program which finds information on the Internet

browsing – looking at information on the Internet.

surfing – spending time visiting a lot of websites.

update – adding the latest information.

be online – to be connected to the Internet.

download – to copy or move information into a computer’s memory,

display – to arrange something so that it can be seen.

Things to do:

1. List the words or phrases related with the computer or the Internet.

Ans. network, log on, log off, website, World Wide Web, computer programs, search engines, browsing, surfing, update, online, computer, games, offline, copy, download, website, e-mail, electronic mail, email account, password, netizen.

2. Answer the following questions in one sentence each.

(1) Have you ever seen or used a computer?

Ans. Yes, I have seen and used a computer.

(2) What is the ‘Internet’?

Ans. The internet is a network of computers. It links thousands of computers with one another.

(3) What is a website?

Ans. Websites are places on the net. Each website has its own address. Anyone can visit a website to read or view the information stored on it.

(4) What is the world wide web?

Ans. Thousands of websites on the net together form the World Wide Web (WWW).

(5) What are search engines?

Ans. Search engines are special computer programs that help us find the different websites on the World Wide Web.

(6) What is meant by browsing or surfing?

Ans.  Looking at the various websites is known as browsing or surfing.

(7) What is meant by being ‘online’?

Ans.  Being ‘online means being connected to the internet.

(8) What is meant by being ‘offline’?

Ans. Being ‘offline’ menas not connected to the internet.

(9) What is ‘e mail’ or electronic mail?

Ans.  You can get your own personal address on the net. You can receive and send messages on this address. This system of sending and receiving messages or mail on computers is known as e- mail or electronic mail. An e-mail address is short and unique. No two e-mail addresses are the same.

(10) What is a password?

Ans. A password is a secret word or group of words and numbers. The computer will allow a peson to use or see the account only when the person types the correct password.

(11) Who is a ‘netizen’?

An. People who use the net are netizens.

(12) Would you like to be a netizen?

Ans. Yes, I would like to be a netizen.

3. Draw a diagram to explain the idea of internet.

4. Find a picture of a computer with the help of your teacher and label the different parts you see.

For example, monitor, screen, speakers, processor, mouse, mousepad, keyboard, etc.

5. List all the pairs of antonyms you find in the passage.

(i) log on x log off

(ii) connected x disconnected

(iii) large x tiny

(iv) can x cannot

(v) online x offline

(vi) receive x send

6. WWW is a short form of World Wide Web.
Find ten other short forms related to ICT (Information and Communication Technology).


  • CD: Computer Disks
  • ROM: Read Only Memory
  • RAM: Random Access Memory
  • PPT: Power Point
  • e-mail: Electronic mail
  • IP: Internet Protocol
  • EC: Electronic Commerce
  • EDI: Electronic Data Interchange
  • E-Market: Electronic Market
  • VAN: Value Added Network
  • E-map: Electronic map

7. Choose a word that has at least four letters in it. Imagine that it is a short form. Write the name /phrase /words it stands for.
For example, STEP : Sunday and Thursday Evening Programmes.


SUCCESS: See, Understand, Create, Clear, Embrace, Stay and Shine

FANBOYS: For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, SO

ASAP: As Soon As Possible

FOMO: Fear Of Missing Out