Grade 6 Nouns & Kinds of Nouns

Nouns & Kinds of Nouns

Worksheet on Nouns for Grade 6:

Look around you, everything has a name.

A nouns is a name given to persons, places, animals, things, events, qualities, states, actions, feeling, etc.

To understand nouns better, these names have been grouped into two types:

A) Concrete nouns

B) Abstract nouns

A) Concrete nouns are those nouns that we can perceive with our five senses i.e. we can see, hear, touch, smell or taste them. So, all the things around you are concrete nouns.


Names of persons – boy, aunt, teacher, Sonia, etc.

Names of things – table, computer, book, candle, etc.

Names of animals – tiger, peacock, rat, butterfly, etc.

Name of places – park, hospital, office, temple, etc.           

Concrete Nouns can be further grouped into:

(1) Common Noun

(2) Proper Noun

(3) Collective Noun

(4) Material Noun

Proper noun: A proper noun is the name of a particular person, place, animal or thing. It always begins with a capital letter.

For Example: Mumbai, Everest, America, Quran, Rohan, Sonia, etc.

Common noun: A common noun is the name of an ordinary person, place, thing, animal or event, etc.

For example:  book, computer, stone, table, house, etc.

Collective noun: A collective noun is the name given to a group of things or persons taken together as a single unit.

For example: band, flock, swarm, fleet

Material Noun: These are the names of things existing in nature which help us to make other objects.

For Example:  milk, rice, water, cotton, sugar, iron, brass, gold, mercury, etc.

B) Abstract nouns are those that we cannot perceive with our five senses i.e. we cannot see, hear, touch, smell or taste them. They are the names given to some feeling, action, event, state, quality, art or subject.


Feeling – happiness, fear, loneliness.

Quality – honesty, truth, wisdom.

Action -theft, mischief, behavior.

Art – music, painting, poetry.

Subject – English, Science, History.

State – childhood, sleep, death, youth.

Formation of Abstract nouns:

Abstract nouns are generally formed from-

(a) common nouns

(b) Adjectives

(c) Verbs

(a) from Common Nouns

Common Noun Abstract Noun
school schooling
captain captaincy
child childhood
thief theft
friend friendship
king kingship

(b) from Adjectives

Adjectives Abstract Noun
brave bravery
honest honesty
free freedom
poor poverty
dark darkness
proud pride

(c) from Verbs

Verbs Abstract Noun
fly flight
describe description
live life
see sight
move motion
try trial

Worksheet on Nouns for Grade 6:

Countable & Uncountable Nouns.

Nouns can also be grouped as

A) Countable nouns

B) Uncountable nouns

Countable Nouns: The nouns which can be counted are known as countable nouns. Common nouns and Collective nouns are countable nouns.

For Example: Computers are now available at discounted prices.
                       All shops are closed during the lock down.

                      There are a lot of elephants in Asia and Africa.

Uncountable nouns: The nouns which cannot be counted are known as uncountable nouns. Material nouns and Abstract nouns are uncountable nouns. Proper nouns, Material nouns and Abstract nouns have no plural forms.

For example:  Wool is used to make woolen clothes.

                       Honesty is the best policy.

                       Too much sugar is not good for health.    

Nouns Number – Singular & Plural

A countable noun can be one or more than one. So nouns can be further grouped as

1. Singular nouns

2. Plural nouns.

1. Singular nouns: A noun that denotes one person, place or thing is said to be in the Singular number.

For Example:

Child, tooth, pen, school, etc.

2. Plural nouns: A noun that denotes more than one person, place or thing is said to be in the Plural number.

For Example:

Children, teeth, pens, schools, etc.

Formation of Plurals

We can change singular nouns to plural nouns in the following ways:

(1) By adding s to the singular form:

Singular Plural
bag bags
holiday holidays
window windows
brother brothers
elephant elephants

(2) By adding es to the singular form of the nouns ending in ch, s, sh, ss, x, z:

Singular Plural
match matches
bus buses
bush bushes
glass glasses
fox foxes
quiz quizzes

(3) By dropping the y and adding ies to the singular form of the nouns ending with y after a consonant:

Singular Plural
army armies
baby babies
candy candies
city cities
body bodies

(4) By adding s to the singular form of the nouns ending with y after a vowel:

Singular Plural
day days
way ways
joy joys
guy guys
key keys

(5) By adding ves to the singular form of the nouns ending with f or fe:

Singular Plural
half halves
loaf loaves
life lives
leaf leaves


By adding s:

Singular Plural
belief beliefs
roof roofs
cliff cliffs

Some nouns ending with f or fe have two plurals

Singular Plural
scarf Scarfs / scarves
staff Staffs  / staves
wharf Wharfs/ wharves
hoof Hoofs / hooves

(6) By adding es to the singular form of the nouns ending with o:

Singular Plural
mango mangoes
tomato Tomatoes
volcano Volcanoes
zero zeroes

(7) By adding s to the singular form of foreign nouns ending with o:

Singular Plural
piano Pianos
radio radios
studio studios

(8) By changing of vowels or by adding n, en or ren to the singular form of some nouns:

Singular Plural
child children
foot feet
man men
ox oxen

(9) Some nouns have the same form in the singular and plural:

Singular Plural
Deer Deer
Sheep Sheep

(10) Some nouns have the two plural forms:

Singular Plural
fish Fish / fishes
cloth Cloths / clothes

(11) Compound nouns change their noun parts in plural:

Singular Plural
brother–in-law brothers-in-law
horseman horsemen
passer-by passers-by
governor-general governor-generals

(12) Plural forms of some foreign words:

Singular Plural
axis axes
radius Radii
oasis Oases
formula formulae

(13) Nouns that are preceded by a numeral are in their singular form:

Singular Plural
One Dozen Three dozen
One hundred Five hundred
One thousand Several thousand

(14) Some nouns have plural forms with no singular forms:

                   (a) cattle, police, poultry, etc.

                   (b) arms, customs, manners, etc.

                   (c) scissors, pants, glasses, etc.

Worksheet on Nouns for Grade 6: