Chapter 1: Living World & Classification of Microbes
1. Use Whittaker’s method to classify bacteria, protozoa, fungi, algae, prokaryotic and eukaryotic microbes.
2. Complete the five kingdom method of classification using- living organism, prokaryotes, eukaryotes, multicellular, unicellular, protista, animals, plants, fungi.
3. Find out my partner
Fungi Chlorella
Protozoa Bacteriophage
Virus Candida
Algae Amoeba
Bacteria Prokaryotic
4. State whether the following statements are true or false.
Explain your statement.
a. Lactobacilli are harmful bacteria.
b. Cell wall of fungi is made up of chitin.
c. Organ of locomotion in amoeba is pseudopodia.
d. Tomato wilt is a viral disease.
5. Give answers.
a. State the merits of Whittaker’s method of classification.
b. Write the characteristics of viruses.
c. Explain the nutrition in fungi.
d. Which living organisms are included in the kingdom monera?
6. Who am I ?
a. I don’t have true nucleus, cell organelles or plasma membrane.
b. I have nucleus and membrane bound cell orgenelles.
c. I live on decaying organic matter.
d. I reproduce mainly by cell division.
e. I can produce my replica.
f. I am green, but don’t have organs.
7. Draw neat and labelled diagrams.
a. Different types of bacteria.
b. Paramoecium
c. Bacteriophage.
8. Arrange the following in ascending order of size Bacteria, Fungi, Viruses, Algae.
Project :
1. Prepare a chart showing infectious bacteria and the diseases caused by them.
2. Visit a nearby pathology lab. Get the information about pathogenic microbes, methods to observe them, different microscopes from the technicians there.
Can you recall?
1. What is the hierarchy for classification of living organisms?
2. Who invented ‘bionomial system’ of nomenclature?
3. Which levels of hierarchy are considered while writing the name in binomial nomenclature?
4. Use your brain power: Explain merits and demerits of Whittaker’s classification.
Fill in the blanks:
1. According to 2011 census, around __________ species of living organisms are found on the earth- including land and sea.
2. The process of dividing living organism into groups and subgroups is called __________.
3. Carl Linnaeus in 1735 divided living world in 2 kingdoms – __________ and __________.
4. Haeckel in 1866 considered 3 kingdoms- _________, __________and __________.
5. In 1925 – Chatton created two groups __________ and __________.
6. In 1938 Kopland divided living organisms into 4 kingdoms __________, __________, __________ and __________.
7. ____________________, an American Ecologist, in 1969 he divided living organisms into 5 groups.
8. Moving, small rod-like microbes are __________ bacteria.
9. All type of bacteria and blue green algae are included in the kingdom __________.
10. _________________________, Pune is involved in research on viruses
11. Among the living organisms, ___________________ are largest in number.
12. With reference to size of microbes, 1 meter = __________ micrometer (mm)
1 meter = __________ nanometer (nm)
Answer the following questions
1. Why is classification of living organisms important?
2. What is Biological classification?
3. Explain Whittaker’s classification.
4. Give the characteristics of the following:
a. Monera
b. Protista
c. Fungi
5. How are micro-organisms classified? List the characteristics of each type.
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