std 7 science chapter 1 the living world adaption and classification questions

Chapter 1: The living World: Adaptation and Classification


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In what different ways is the diversity in living things seen?

Are the plants and animals from Kashmir and Rajasthan of the same type?

Can you elaborate on any differences between the two?

Observe and complete the chart. (Include other plants from your own region too.)



Type of root

Characteristic of leaves

Characteristic of stem




Large and round with waxy layer

Hollow and flexible



What differences do you observe between terrestrial and aquatic plants?

Use your brain power!

1. Why does water trickle off lotus leaves?

2. Why don’t the leaves of these plants rot in water?

3. Why are the roots of aquatic plants short and fibrous?

What differences do you see between terrestrial and aquatic animals?

Observe the bodies of the frog, duck and tortoise.

(1) Of what use are their legs to these animals?

(2) What helps frogs to breathe underwater?

(3) Of what use are the long hind legs of a frog?

(4) Why doesn’t a duck get wet in water?

What is the function of canine teeth in carnivorous animals?

Complete the following chart from your own observations.

Adaptation Animal Use of adaptation
Sharp teeth Lion, tiger To tear the flesh
Long and pointed beak    
Short beak    
Long and sticky tongue    
Long neck    

Why are living things classified?

Which are the criteria used for classification of plants and animals?

Textual Exercise:

1. Find my match!

‘A’ Group ‘B’ Group
(1) Lotus (a) flower and leaves attract insects
(2) Aloe (b) Haustorial roots for absorption of food
(3) Cuscuta (c) Adapted to live in deserts
(4) Venus flytrap (d) Adapted to live in water.

2. Read the paragraph and answer the following questions.

I am a penguin. I live in polar region covered by snow. My abdomen is white. My skin is thick with a layer of fat underneath. My body is spindleshaped. My wings are small. My toes are webbed. We live in flocks.

(a) Why is my skin white and thick and why is there a thick layer of fat underneath?

(b) Why do we live in flocks sticking close to each other?

(c) Which geographical region do I inhabit? Why?

(d) Which adaptations should you have to enable you to live permanently in the polar region? Why?

3. Who is lying ?

(a) Cockroach – I have five legs.                   

(b) Hen – My toes are webbed.

(c) Cactus – My fleshy, green part is a leaf.

4. Read each of the following statements. Write a paragraph about adaptation with reference to each statement.

(a) There is extreme heat in deserts.

(b) Grasslands are lush green.

(c) Insects are found in large numbers.

(d) We hide.

(e) We have long ears.            

5. Answer the following.

(a) Why is the camel called the ‘Ship of the desert’?

(b) How can the plants like cactus and acacia live in deserts with scarce water?

(c) What is the inter-relationship between adaptations of organisms and their surroundings?

(d) How are organisms classified?

Activity: Find out how the gradual adaptation from primitive man to modern man must have taken place.       

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