Chapter 1 What is History?
1. Fill in the blanks
(a) The science that tries to understand past events is called History
(b) History is not written solely on the basis of imagination.
2. Answer each question in one sentence.
(a) What is the scientific method?
The method of using a number of tests to determine whether the evidence is reliable is called the scientific method.
(b) Of which action is India’s independence the result?
The Indian people fought against the British government to get independence, as a result India became an Independent nation on 15th August, 1947.
c) What does the study of History make possible?
The study of History makes it possible for us to study what is and what is not favourable for the progress of human society.
3. Answer the following questions in brief.
(a) Why is History considered to be a scientific discipline?
History uses the scientific method at every stage, namely, while looking for and collecting evidence, and while putting it together. When required, help is also taken from other sciences. That is why History is considered a scientific discipline.
(b) What is it that puts obstacles in the way of village development?
If the people of the village work together and help one another, the village makes good progress. However, if the people cannot come together, it puts obstacles in the path of village development.

5. Classify the sources of History using the chart given here.
Sources of History: coins, letter, forts, traditional songs, pots, copper plates, old structures, stone inscription, folk song, pillars, biographies, rock – cut caves, folk tales.
Material | Written | Oral |
coins | letter | traditional songs |
forts | copper plates | folk songs |
pots | biographies | folk tales |
old structures | ||
stone inscription | ||
pillars | ||
rock-cut caves |
- What is History?
- History and the Concept of Time
- Life on Earth
- Evolution
- Evolution of Mankind
- Stone Age: Stone tools.
- From Shelters to Village-settlements
- Beginning of settled life
- Settled life and urban civilisation
- Historic Period
Nice I want evs 2 which evidence is used to study history?
How to verify the evidence of history
How to verify the evidence of history answer
Mujhe fill in the blanks batao
L love jk academy
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