Julius Caesar workbook answers for ICSE by Morning Star
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MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS of Julius Caesar Act 12 Scene 1 workbook answers
1. (b) Because of his inner turmoil.
2. (c) He has a personal grudge against Caesar.
3. (a) They are true Romans fighting for a just cause.
4. (c) Cicero is indecisive.
5. (c) They must not appear as butchers to the people.
6. (a) By flattery.
7. (d) All of the above.
8. (c) He has been behaving unnaturally.
9. (c) Her father, Cato.
10. (a) Equal rights of wifehood.
11. (b) Suspicion in Brutus’ mind.
12. (b) Soliloquy.
13. (a) Once crowned, Caesar would get them killed.
14. (d) Serpent’s egg.
15. (a) Moral and necessary.
16. (b) Objects to the killing of Antony.
17. (a) His sense of honour.
18. (a) His integrity and personal reputation in Rome.
19. (d) Irritable vanity.
20. (d) Both (a) and (b).
Julius Caesar Act 2 Scene 1 workbook answers
Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow:
Lucius: I will, my lord. [Exit.]
Brutus: It must be by his death; and for my part,
I know no personal cause to spurn at him,
But for the general. He would be crowned.
How that might change his nature, there the question.
It is the bright day that brings forth the adder,
And that craves wary walking.
i. The scene takes place in Brutus’ orchard. Lucius is Brutus’ young. In this scene, Lucius has been asked to a light a taper (candle) in Brutus’ study.
ii. Brutus is contemplative and troubled in this scene. The “it” refers to dealing with Caesar’s rise of power Brutus feels that Caesar rise of power could lead to his becoming the king which in turn my lead to tyranny. Brutus is implying that Caesar’s execution is required not because of personal grievances or enmity against Caesar, but for the benefit of Rome’s overall welfare. He believes Caesar’s ambition and the prospect of being anointed king will transform his personality and endanger the Roman Republic. So, the death mentioned here is Julius Caesar’s assassination.
iii. Cassius had persuaded Brutus to join the plot by appealing to his feeling of honour, patriotism, and dread of Caesar becoming a tyrant. In this excerpt, Brutus’ motivation for pondering assassination is his concern for Rome’s well-being. It demonstrates that Brutus is a man of principle, prepared to sacrifice his personal loyalty to Caesar for the sake of the Roman Republic.
iv. Brutus foresees the danger of Caesar becoming king and uses metaphors to describe his concern in his soliloquy. The phrase “bright day” refers to Rome’s current status as a republic. The “adder” represents Caesar, and Brutus thinks that, just as a snake must be destroyed before it becomes a menace, Caesar must be stopped before he becomes a tyrant. Brutus fears Caesar’s ambition will lead to him becoming a tyrant who would ruin the Roman Republic.
v. I sympathise with Brutus. Brutus is both a public and a private figure. There is a lot of conflict going on his mind, one dealing with a personal cause and the other a public cause. After contemplating the whole night through, Brutus makes up his mind to assassinate Caesar not for what Caesar is today but for what he may be in the future. Brutus justifies his act by saying that he has no personal grudge against Caesar and nothing to gain but a sense of responsibility towards the people of Rome. I sympathise with Brutus as he has a tough decision to make, for the greater good of Rome. He does not want to be a butcher but a sacrificer.
Julius Caesar Act 2 Scene 1 workbook answers
Brutus: So Caesar may.
Then lest he may, prevent. And since the quarrel
Will bear no colour for the thing he is,
Fashion it thus: that what he is, augmented,
Would run to these and these extremities;
And therefore think him as a serpent’s egg,
Which, hatched, would as his kind grow mischievous
And kill him in the shell.
i. “So Caesar may,” through these words Brutus is fears that Caesar may become a tyrant or become powerful, which is implied through the metaphor of the ladder. Brutus intends to prevent Caesar from ascending this metaphorical ladder to power, essentially stopping him from becoming a tyrant or dictator. Brutus suggests that they take action before Caesar can take further steps towards becoming a king. Brutus intends to kill Caesar and thus curtail him from becoming a tyrant.
ii. “And, since the quarrel/Will bear no colour for the thing he is/Fashion it thus” suggests that they should invent a pretext or explanation for opposing Caesar because they cannot explain their opposition to him based on his existing deeds or character (the “thing he is”). In other words, they ought to distort the environment or their perception of Caesar to make him appear to be a threat to Rome.
iii. “Augmented” implies to boost or improve. Brutus thinks that Caesar’s power and authority may be increased, leading to his becoming even more ambitious and ultimately a tyrant. When Caesar was offered the throne during the Lupercal feast, there was already an attempt to augment him, and Brutus warns against allowing him to obtain more authority.
iv. The serpent’s egg is compared to Caesar. Brutus wishes to convey that, just as a snake’s egg, if allowed to hatch, will develop into a dangerous and lethal serpent, Caesar, if granted more power and authority, will become a menace to Rome. The comparison emphasizes the potential danger of allowing Caesar to continue his ascent to power.
v. Brutus is aware that keeping the “serpent’s egg” (Caesar) from hatching may cost him dearly afterwards. By scheming against Caesar, Brutus sets in motion a chain of events that would result in civil war and political upheaval in Rome. He understands that the repercussions of his conduct will include personal sacrifices and sorrow. This foreshadows the fatal repercussions that follow throughout the play, including Brutus’ death.
Julius Caesar Act 2 Scene 1 workbook answers
Brutus: ’Tis good. Go to the gate; somebody knocks. [Exit LUCIUS.]
Since Cassius first did whet me against Caesar,
I have not slept.
Between the acting of a dreadful thing
And the first motion, all the interim is
Like a phantasma or a hideous dream.
The genius and the mortal instruments
Are then in council, and the state of man,
Like to a little kingdom, suffers then
The nature of an insurrection.
i. Cassius, along with some other people namely, Casca, Decius, Cinna and Metellus Cimber and Trebonius who were part of the conspiracy were knocking at the gate. Cassius has arrived to confirm their preparations to carry out the plot of killing Julius Caesar.
ii. Cassius’s earlier discussion has had an enormous effect on Brutus. It has convinced him to think about scheming against Caesar and the ramifications of Caesar’s ascension to power. This talk has made Brutus restless and unable to sleep as he grapples with Cassius’ moral and political quandary.
iii. Brutus is experiencing inner turmoil and emotional suffering. To describe the extreme psychological and emotional turmoil he is feeling, he compares his mental state to a nightmare or a horrifying dream. For him, the time between resolving to take action against Caesar and carrying it out is like a scary and bizarre dream. It’s a period of immense uncertainty and worry.
iv. In the last lines of the extract, Brutus compares the mental condition he is in to a civil war. He uses this to emphasise the internal struggle and anguish he is experiencing. Just as various groups within a society are in conflict during a civil war, Brutus’ inner “genius” (his inner sense of reason and duty) and the “mortal instruments” (the practical issues of carrying out the plot) are at odds. This inner battle resembles the turbulence of a state during a civil insurgency, with dissension and strife within the “kingdom” of his own mind.
Julius Caesar Act 2 Scene 1 workbook answers
Brutus: They are the faction. O conspiracy,
Sham’st thou to show thy dangerous brow by night,
When evils are most free? O, then by day
Where wilt thou find a cavern dark enough
To mask thy monstrous visage?
Seek none, conspiracy.
Hide it in smiles and affability:
For if thou put thy native semblance on,
Not Erebus itself were dim enough
To hide thee from prevention.
i. Cassius, Casca, Decius, Cinna, Metellus Cimber, and Trebonius enter after this extract. As they are co-conspirators to the plan of killing Caesar, their hats are pulled down over their ears, and half their faces are buried in their cloaks. Brutus’ assistant, Lucious, informs him of their arrival.
ii. ‘Faction’ means people who are part of a common goal or purpose. Here, ‘Faction” refers to Cassius, Casca, Decius, Cinna, Metellus Cimber, and Trebonius, who have come together to conspire against Julius Caesar. ‘Thy dangerous brow’ – with these words Brutus questions the conspiracy’s decision to carry out their intentions at night, when it is easier to conceal their deeds. He’s basically questioning if the conspiracy is too frightened to operate during the day because they’d have to face scrutiny.
iii. At night, the conspiracy conceals its actual intents and acts in the darkness. During the day they hide their dark objectives beneath smiles and affability by pretending to be nice and harmless.
iv. In Greek mythology, Erebus was a location linked with gloom and shadow. If the conspiracy appears with its “native semblance on,” it signifies that if they publicly show their genuine objectives and nefarious nature, they will be unable to hide their conspiracy from being detected and halted.
v. It is necessary to disguise the conspiracy because they are planning a dangerous and potentially treasonous act, the assassination of Caesar. To escape discovery by authorities and loyalists, they must keep their intentions disguised. The conspirators took two steps to conceal the conspiracy:
(a) They chose to have their meetings and discussions at night when it is dark, making it more difficult for others to witness and identify them.
(b) During the day, the conspirators disguise their true sentiments and objectives beneath smiles and good behaviour, to avoid arousing suspicion or seeming as a threat to others around them.
Julius Caesar Act 2 Scene 1 workbook answers
Brutus: What need we any spur but our own cause
To prick us to redress? what other bond
Than secret Romans that have spoke the word
And will not palter? and what other oath
Than honesty to honesty engaged
That this shall be, or we will fall for it?
i. In Brutus’ remark, the “we” refers to himself and the other conspirators. “Our own cause” refers to their plan for the conspiracy, which is to kill Julius Caesar. The cause itself is a spur because they themselves have decided that if Julius Caesar is crowned the king then his reign may turn into tyranny This cause to end the power of Julius Caesar acts as their incentive and driving force. They are so certain that they are doing the right thing and that itself is motivation. They do need any oath, as their desire for justice is enough to motivate them.
ii. Cassius has suggested the idea of taking an oath, but Brutus dismisses it. He rejects it because he feels the conspirators’ dedication to the cause should be founded on their mutual loyalty to Rome and resolve to end Caesar‘s reign. Brutus’ choice is wise since it emphasises the moral and patriotic obligation that should inspire them rather than depending on an oath, which may not be as binding.
iii. “Honesty to honesty engaged” signifies that the conspirators’ commitment to sincerity and integrity binds them. Brutus and his men value honesty because it displays their moral character and emphasises the justice of their cause. They feel their activities are justified, and they wish to keep their honour and integrity throughout the conspiracy.
iv. “That this shall be, or we shall fall for it” indicates that they are entirely dedicated to their cause and will either succeed in their mission to kill Caesar, or they themselves would die while executing their plan.
v. According to Brutus the priests, the cowards, and the deceitful men as well as the old and weak who welcome wrongs, and any creatures that are doubtful swear to bad causes.
vi. By appealing to their feeling of honour, patriotism, and the justice of their cause, Brutus convinces the group to maintain Roman nobility rather than rely on an oath. He claims that their joint devotion to the well-being of Rome, as well as their united willingness to speak out against Caesar, should be enough reason. He instills a feeling of responsibility and honour in the conspirators by emphasising their devotion to Rome and their integrity as Romans, making them believe that their cause is more than simply a personal oath but a moral commitment to their nation.
Julius Caesar Act 2 Scene 1 workbook answers
Brutus: O, name him not!
Let us not break with him;
For he will never follow anything
That other men begin.
Cassius: Then leave him out.
Casca: Indeed he is not fit.
Decius: Shall no man else be touched but only Caesar?
i. The word ‘him’ refers to Cicero. Metellus suggested the inclusion of Cicero because his wise counsel and reputation will gain them favor and support. He stated that including Cicero would be advantageous because people would say that killing Julius Caesar was his judgment that guided us, and their youthful recklessness will be hidden behind his gravitas. But Brutus wishes to exclude Cicero from the plot to assassinate Julius Caesar for he never follows anyone else’s lead.
ii. “Let us not break with him” suggests they should not include Cicero in the conspiracy to assassinate Julius caesar, as Brutus feels that he cannot be trusted. Brutus believes that Cicero would not fully commit to a plan that was not started by him. This suggestion is accepted by Cassius and Casca.
iii. Here, ‘touched’ means targeted to be killed. Cassius wants to kill Mark Antony along with Caesar. He feels that Mark Antony, who was so loved by Caesar, should outlive him. Moreover he feels that Mark Antony is a clever schemer, with his resources he could easily harm them all. To prevent that, Mark Antony should be killed along with Caesar.
iv. Brutus over-rides Cassius because he feels that they should only kill Caesar and not Mark Antony. For they are sacrificers and not butchers. This way their act will not appear envious but necessary. People will then call them purgers and not murders. Brutus assures the conspirators not to worry about Mark Antony because once Caesar is killed, he will be powerless and not a danger at all.
v. Cassius later objects to Brutus’ decision to allow Mark Antony to live, as he believes that Mark Antony is a clever schemer, with his resources he could easily harm them all. This objection is later justified when Mark Antony turns against the conspirators and becomes a formidable foe. Cassius’ original suspicion about Mark Antony’s devotion turns out to be correct.
Julius Caesar Act 2 Scene 1 workbook answers
Cassius: Yet I fear him;
For in the ingrafted love he bears to Caesar—
Brutus: Alas, good Cassius, do not think of him!
If he love Caesar, all that he can do
Is to himself — take thought, and die for Caesar.
And that were much he should; for he is given
To sports, to wildness, and much company.
Trebonius: There is no fear in him. Let him not die;
For he will live, and laugh at this hereafter. [Clock strikes.]
i. The person being talked about is Mark Antony. The occasion for the dialogue is whether or not to kill him along with Julius Caesar. The term “ingrafted” love refers to the deep and ingrained devotion or loyalty that Mark Antony has for Caesar.
ii. Brutus feels that Cassius should not fear Mark Antony as he loves Caesar so much that he may take his own life for him. Therefore Mark Antony is no threat to them after Caesar’s death.
iii. Tribonius says that there is no cause to fear Mark Antony and not to kill him, because after Caesar’s death he will eventually realize that the conspirators did the right thing and even laugh about it holding no grudge against them.
iv. “For he will live, and laugh at this hereafter.” These words are spoken by Tribonius after Cassius suggestion of killing Mark Antony along with Caesar. But Tribonius dismisses his fear by stating that they should allow him to live. For if he lives he will eventually realize that the conspirators did the right thing and even laugh about it, holding no grudge against them.
v. Of the three men (Cassius, Brutus and Tribonius) Cassius proves to be right as he was the first one to propose the assassination of Mark Antony along with Caesar. For he believed that Mark Antony was very loyal to Caesar. Being a clever schemer, with his resources he could easily harm them all. We know that later Mark Antony turns against the conspirators and becomes a formidable foe and seeks revenge for Caesar’s murder. Thus proving to be right about Mark Antony and Brutus was totally wrong in dismissing his fear.
Julius Caesar Workbook Answers By Morning Star
Act 2 Scene 3
Act 2 Scene 4
Act 3 Scene 1
Act 3 Scene 2
Act 3 Scene 3
Act 4 Scene 1
Act 4 Scene 2
Act 4 Scene 3
Act 5 Scene 1
Act 5 Scene 2
Act 5 Scene 3
Act 5 Scene 4
Act 5 Scene 5
Julius Caesar Workbook Answers by Evergreen Publishing
Act 1 Scene 3
Act 2 Scene 3
Act 2 Scene 4
Act 3 Scene 1
Act 3 Scene 2
Act 3 Scene 3
Act 4 Scene 1
Act 4 Scene 2
Act 4 Scene 3
Act 5 Scene 1
Act 5 Scene 2
Act 5 Scene 3
Act 5 Scene 4
Act 5 Scene 5
Julius Caesar Play
Translation along side original text
Act 1 Scene 3
Act 2 Scene 4
Act 3 Scene 1
Act 3 Scene 2
Act 3 Scene 3
Act 3 Scene 1
Act 3 Scene 2
Act 3 Scene 3
Act 4 Scene 1
Act 4 Scene 2
Act 4 Scene 3
Act 5 Scene 1
Act 5 Scene 2
Act 5 Scene 3
Act 5 Scene 4
Act 5 Scene 5
Treasure Chest Workbook Solution: Beta Publication

PROSE (Short Stories):
Std IX
1. Bonku Babu’s Friend – Satyajit Ray
2. Oliver Asks for More – Charles Dickens
3. The Model Millionaire – Oscar Wilde
4. Home-coming – Rabindranath Tagore
5. The Boy who Broke the Bank – Ruskin Bond
Std X
1. With the Photographer – Stephen Leacock
2. The Elevator – William Sleator
3. The Girl Who Can – Ama Ata Aidoo
4. The Pedestrian – Ray Bradbury
5. The Last Lesson – Alphonse Daudet
Std IX
1. The Night Mail – W.H. Auden
2. Skimbleshanks: The Railway Cat – T.S. Eliot
3. I Remember, I Remember – Thomas Hood
4. A Doctor’s Journal Entry for August 6, 1945 – Vikram Seth
5. A Work of Artifice – Marge Piercy
Std X
1. Haunted Houses – H.W. Longfellow
2. The Glove and the Lions – Leigh Hunt
3. When Great Trees fall – Maya Angelou
4. A Considerable Speck – Robert Frost
5. The Power of Music – Sukumar Ray
Treasure Chest Workbook Solution: Evergreen Publication

Std 9 Vol – I : Poems
1. A Work of Artifice – Marge Piercy
2. Skimbleshanks: The Railway Cat – T S Eliot
3. I Remember, I Remember – Thomas Hood
4. A Doctor’s Joumal Entry for August 6, 1945 – Vikram Seth
5. The Night Mail – W H Auden
6. Haunted Houses – H W Longfellow
7. The Glove and the Lions – James Leigh Hunt
8. When Great Trees Fall – Maya Angelou
9. A Considerable Speck – Robert Frost
10. The Power of Music – Sukumar Roy

Std 9 Vol – II: Short Stories
l. Bonku Babu’s Friend – Satyaji Ray
2. Oliver Asks for More – Charles Dickens
3. The Model Millionaire – Oscar Wilde
4. The Homecoming – Rabindranath Tagore
5. The Boy Who Broke the Bank – Ruskin Bond
6. With the Photographer – Stephen Leacock
7. The Elevator – William Sleator
8. The Girl Who Can – Ama Ata Aidoo